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Who is BINOD and why is it trending everywhere on Internet-ft Slaypoint

Binod kaun hai, Binod tharu,Binod trending kyu hai
Who is Binod
Talking about the recent and the ongoing trending topic which is BINOD,   which is being spammed in every YouTubers comments box and being trending on Twitter for Many days.We will tell everyone here that from where this *BINOD* originated and why is it being spammed every where.

Who is BINOD and where did it come from-
Recently a very famous YouTuber named as SlayPoint which is being owned by Abhyudaya Mohan and Gautami  Kawale made a youtube video few weeks back on why indian comment section is a garbage( Binod).
In this video they told us about the garbage which the comment box has which is absolutely the comments not linked to the YouTube video and comments which are personal and people who beg for likes.
In their video they Told about a person called BINOD THARU  who wrote Binod in the comment, and from there the meme has been originated and is being spammed on YouTube channel as BINOD OP etc.

Video of Slay point from where it's originated-

Another video of Slaypoint about "BINOD"


Some of the Memes that are trending on twitter with Hastag #Binod-

Why Binod is trending

Who is Binod,Binod trending
Who is Binod

Binod spammed on YouTube

Binod thakur,Binod meme,
Trending Binod 

Binod meme song-

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